Whispers from the Ranch

As temperatures drop, it's crucial to prepare your horse for the winter. This guide covers the essentials of winter horse care.

Preparing Horses for Winter

Winter brings unique challenges in caring for horses. Taking steps to ensure your horse is ready for the cold will help maintain its health through the season.


Adequate shelter from wind, rain, and snow is essential. Stalls should be dry and draft-free, while outdoor shelters should provide protection and be accessible at all times.


Ensuring a supply of unfrozen water is critical to prevent dehydration and impaction colic.


Colder temperatures mean horses need more calories to maintain their body temperature. High-quality hay can provide both nutrition and warmth from the digestion process.


Blanketing may be necessary for clipped horses, seniors, or those with health conditions. However, a natural winter coat is often sufficient for acclimatized horses.


With the right preparations, your horse can stay healthy and comfortable throughout the winter season.

John Horselover
John Horselover is a lifelong equestrian enthusiast with over twenty years of experience in horse care, training, and riding. He has competed in various regional events and committed his retirement to fostering rescue horses. Writing as a way to share his passion, John provides insights on equine nutrition, training, and sustainable ranch management.
John Horselover is a lifelong equestrian enthusiast with over twenty years of experience in horse care, training, and riding. He has competed in various regional events and committed his retirement to fostering rescue horses. Writing as a way to share his passion, John provides insights on equine nutrition, training, and sustainable ranch management.

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